Mikey's Muppet Memorabilia Museum

Mikey's Muppet Memorabilia Museum

Comments or Discussion

Hi Ho Muppet Fans! Thanks for visiting my Muppet blog, I really appreciate all of the kind messages so many of you have sent me over the years. I'm happy to know that this blog is being enjoyed and is helping folks identify and learn about Muppet collectables! :)

Unfortunately as this blog gets more and more traffic, it's being targeted more often by morons who post spam messages! That's "Morons" which starts with the letter "M" as in "Mikey gets Mad when Morons Maliciously spam his Muppet Memorabilia blog". Seriously, those folks need to get a life! LOL!

To everyone else, I apologize as I have had to turn off comments on all the pages in order to keep the site spam-free. But I definitely want to keep the discussion going so this page will serve as THE comment page for the entire site, which will make it a lot easier for me to stay on top of and delete spam messages. Yes spammers...


So if you are a Muppet fan, have a question about Muppet collectables, or just feel like commenting about the blog or any Muppet topic at all, please feel free to do so here! This page is for you to use!

Thanks again everyone! Happy Muppet collecting!
-Mikey :)

Page added: June 2, 2020
Last updated: Sept 30, 2021


  1. Hi Mikey, great website. Just found my Sesame St and Muppet characters from the 90s and have nearly managed to place them all using your articles - one left to find. I found a referecne but couldn't see a photo of the Applause figure of Ernie at the fair with a pig in a barrow on your site so let me know if you need a photo. All the best, Andy

    1. Hi Andy!

      Many thanks for sending the photos of the Ernie and Baby Gonzo PVC figures. I've added them both to the site! Awesomeness!

  2. Hey Mikey, it's Leon I do know for a fact through an industry friend that Sababa Toys had intentions to release Mokey and Uncle Mat. However, there was some problems going with the license at the time unfortunately.

    Also on your Sesame Street: 2000 - 2017 page when you talk about the Mini Beanies, that's not Preston Rabbit rather it is Benny Rabbit.

  3. Hi Leon! Thanks for letting me know about Benny Rabbit, I've corrected the page. Weird to hear about the Fraggle licensing issue. Sababa did an amazing job on that Fraggle Rock plush series, it's odd that such quality wouldn't have facilitated an extension of the series. Uncle Mat and Mokey would have looked awesome in that format! Sucks that we missed out! Oh well!

  4. Hey bro, thank you for sharing this blog. Two questions:
    1. A few years ago, I was listening to MuppetCentralRadio, and I heard an intro to some kind of Sesame record that was similar to the CBS and WB book-&-record sets, but it was different and I don't remember quite how it went. Was there a CBS album (or single) that came before the one we all know?
    2. Are there any dl links for these albums?

    1. Hi AJ, unfortunately I don't have any additional info for you. Everything that I know about the Sesame records is posted on the Sesame records page. Sorry I'm not ale to be more help. If anyone out there knows something more about this, please share what you know with us, thanks.

  5. Hello Mikey,

    This is a great blog with so much information! I arrived here after trying to find information about a plastic head Count puppet that I recently obtained. I believe it is the 1973 Count that is discussed in your blog. I collect vintage toys, but not Muppet items, so I have learned a lot from reading the information about this puppet here and on the Muppet Central site.

    The Count I have has the plastic head and plastic hands. There is a small indent on the left side of the nose, so I don’t know if that means a monocle was originally included. The white shirt seems to be the smooth style. I also looked inside to see if there was a tag, but could not find one.

    I have taken a lot of photos, but I am not sure if I can post them here. I would welcome any other information regarding this Count puppet.


  6. Hey Mikey,

    I was wondering if you could help me on how I could find a 1997 or '98 Grover puppet. My boyfriend was gifted one as a baby and it has been his stuffed animal ever since. Until very recently, that puppet even slept in the bed with us and went on every vacation and overnight trip. That thing had absolutely no stuffing left, only patches of blue fur, and the eyes were chipped and cracked. It was truly invaluable to him. Recently, the dogs got to it and the tatters of what was left were destroyed. He. Is. Devastated. Ever since then I've been scouring the internet for another of the same. I've done the obvious and set alerts for new postings on eBay and the such... Apparently it's a pretty rare toy though, and with the weeks my hopes have only gone down. All I know is that he was bought in Pensacola Florida in 1997 or 1998 (but we think it was 1997). He was about 21 inches, though he may have been stretched. Stereotypical blue fur, round head, pink circle nose, white plastic oval eyes with black circular pupils. His mouth was set slightly agape (as it was a puppet) with the inside black and pink (maybe it was red once?) around the edges. One distinction is that, unlike other vintage grover puppets I'm seeing online, the hand opening was at the bottom near the legs and your whole hand and wrist would go up inside. Others seem to have an opening at the back of the head that only goes straight through to the mouth. If you have any contacts, suggestions, or leads it would mean the world to me, and pretty much the universe to him. Thank you so much!


  7. Hi Mikey,
    I have taken my 1970's child guidance big bird doll out of storage because he makes me so happy. I still remember him under the Christmas tree. He is missing one eye (lost when I was a kid). Any suggestions for replacement parts? Best,

    1. Hmmm, maybe a visit to an arts and crafts type of store would give you some ideas. If you walked up and down the isle to see what they have, maybe something will jump out at you, such as using a small wooden or plastic ball that you could paint, or something along those lines? Or maybe you could get a Big Bird plush toy from a thrift store and take the eyes off of it? Best of luck! If you don't mind using a different material, you cold also make the eye out of fabric and stuff it then sew it on. (Make two small football shapes with white fabric and two with pink fabric, then sew them together to shape the round ball, stuff it with bits of white fabric, then add the blue trim around the eye and the black the iris.) Best of luck!

  8. Hi... I have been trying to find the 1970's Cookie Monster plush toy with the music box inside of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I had one when I was a kid and would love to find one. Thanks, Michelle

    1. It was likely made by Knickerbocker as they produced several Sesame plush toys with music boxes. Try searching ebay for "Sesame Knickerbocker" and see what turns up? Hope you find one, take care!

  9. Hi Mikey... Love your dedication to Sesame Street! I came upon your blog by total accident when I was researching my own blog. ;) http://www.janethingsberg.com/brand-development-sesame-street/ I wanted to let you know that I've recentlyl updated the Sesame Street Garden Statues image on my webpg to include all of the characters developed when I worked on this brand license at Loblaws - we also exclusively developed many products under the Outdoor (camping items) and Lawn & Garden categories amongst others like House & Home, clothing, etc. If I can dig up images of other products I'll be happy to share them. Until then, take care,s stay safe and... can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street? :)

    1. Hello Janet!
      Thank you so much for getting in touch with me! I really enjoy those Sesame garden statues and hope to find the others for my collection someday. I didn't know that there was a Snuffleupagus statue until recently when a fellow Muppet collector posted pictures of his garden statue collection. It's a very impressive series, though I'd much rather display them indoors on a shelf! They're too awesome to leave outdoors! LOL I'd be very happy to learn about any other Sesame products that you were involved with! Thank you again, take care! This made my day! :)

  10. Thanks so much for the resource. I have the Educational Toys Big Bird doll from the 1972 Alden's catalog picture. Any knowledge of how long this specific model was in production? 1972 predates any of my siblings so now I'm wondering if the toy was a hand-me-down from a neighbor. I haven't found any other references to this toy anywhere else yet.

    1. Hi Unknown

      The Big Bird "stuffed puppet" with the plastic legs was the first Big Bird doll ever to be made and was produced by Educational Toys. It was introduced in 1971 and went out of production in 1972 as Child Guidance took over the license in 1973. The Child Guidance version of that toy introduced in 1973 has soft fabric stuffed legs rather than plastic ones. In the early 1980's Hasbro produced a very similar plush Big Bird toy (with the same plastic beak and eyes) which had a pull string talking feature, and soft fabric legs. So it's very easy to know if you have the Educational Toys version of the toy as it is the only version that was ever made with plastic legs.

  11. Good Day, I have the vintage loblaws Cookie Monster, Ernie and Oscar garden statues and I am looking for Big Bird, Bert , Elmo and the Govers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks In advance

    1. Hi, the only suggestion that I have is to keep an eye out for them on e-bay or your local Kijiji website. All the best!

  12. Fiddlesticks Toy Builder Set Sesame Street Train Big Bird Knickerbocker have this looking for instructions

  13. Thanks so much for this page! I have Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Oscar, Grover, the Anything Muppet & the soft head Count. I would have preferred the plastic head since the cloth one always seemed to collapse in on itself unless you stuffed it with something.

    And thank you for confirming that there was indeed a Herry Monster puppet. I've wondered over the years if I just imagined it.

    1. You're very welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed my Muppet blog! Thank you for letting me know! :)

  14. Hello my dear friend, I want to tell you that I am amazed with the incredible collection that you have, and the world that is the collection of Plaza Sesamo, I am from Mexico and I am currently looking for them, it would be wonderful for me if you help me with some pieces that I know. made in Mexico by Lili Ledy that are puppets, figures and magic teles, I do not know if you know them, I would attach photos of course but I can not

    1. Hi The only way I know how to find toys that are no longer being produced is to check ebay or other online marketplaces where vintage toys are sold, or to search for them at flea markets and thrift stores. Hope you find them!

  15. Does anyone have any tips for cleaning the Fisher Price muppet puppets? I have just acquired the Miss Piggy but am not sure how to clean some of her spots for fear of damaging her!

    1. The Fisher-Price Miss Piggy puppet has always been a challenge to keep clean, right from the factory! LOL I could write an entire article about this! If there are spots on the rubber face that hand soap or dish soap and water will not remove, it might be permanently marked. One option if you are willing to risk trying it, is to use some nail polish remover on a Q-tip. However, it will remove any paint it comes into contact with, including the rouge on her cheeks, or the purple eyelids, or the red in her mouth, so you have to be very careful only to apply the nail polish remover to the spot you want cleaned, and only if there is no paint underneath the spot. If there is a spot on an area with paint I would NOT try this method. Also, it's not guaranteed to work as this will only remove paint from the surface of plastic/rubber items, it doesn't remove stains that have seeped in deeper. I have an Ed Grimley (Martin Short) talking doll that got a stain on his cheek from resting against black fabric, as the fabric die transferred to the plastic. The nail polish didn't remove the stain as it was deep within the plastic, unfortunately. All the best!

    2. WOW .... I grew up with these characters.. And now at 53 I was able to find a easily new Grover that passable.. But Cookie Monster GOOD LORD... Knickerbocker from the 1970's when the show was in full glow.. They had a lot of these characters down in the stuffed doll format... The one's I found are demolished just something is wrong with all of them and easily I even had the dark flat cookie monster puppet at one time and it just dissappeared in the 80's or 90's maybe.. Put that wasn't too bad but kids had these and they drooled and ripped these things apart ...I ended up spending 12 bucks on a 2002 new Gund which was the company that I got the grover one from ... And I been on this project for a year almost getting nowhere but understanding it better.... Ebay has been one of the places where I been learning... Def not Amazon that's for certain although that's where I got the Grover from ... This 2002 Cookie Gund looked ok but it's not like a semi replica cookie from the 1970's and Knickerbocker they were from Middlesex County NJ and I'm from Monmouth County like a 30 min drive away... I found that interesting... But most of these modern companies that make very few of these original characters who I heard they retired them,,, Which is hard to believe... The show was dead when Elmo appeared that's for sure... And I was fan of the muppets more then the show itself .... That's one of the reason they made The Muppet Show to concentrate on the wacky characters of that genius Jim Henson and thats my story ... If you hear of any Knickerbocker muppet that doesn't look like a drool ripped fest like me know... Thanks Mike .

    3. Hi buttawitz (that's an awesome name!) Thanks for your message, my apologies for the late reply. I'm not sure what your budget is, but if you want a brand new Cookie Monster puppet from the 70's, which were made by Child Guidance, you can keep an eye out on ebay for one in the original box. The ones in original boxes typically haven't been played with, at least not to the extent that they would have been if given to a child, though they are a bit more pricey because they are vintage in original packaging. Hope that helps, best of luck in your search.

  16. Hey! It's been over ten years since I did any research on the Sesame Street puppets I grew up with, and I'm enjoying going back through your exhaustive writing on them. At one time I had one of virtually everything that had been available worldwide (even the birds), but I sold some and have stored most away.

    Your article on the Count really intrigued me, and helped me understand why my rubber-head version has a slightly "chewed"-looking nose tip. Also, seeing photos with his cape tied around his neck makes it clearer why he had such a long neck without a bow tie. (Someone on eBay is selling replicas of the cape...I would have pounced when mine was on display!)

    The reason I'm writing is your comment that you never bothered to pick up a cloth-head Count, because he looks so awful. Unbelievably, the box showed him with the wild stringy hair that almost all of them had. Also, his eye decals rarely withstand the ravages of time. But fortunately, back when I was Muppet-crazy in the 70's, I found one of the very first Count puppets at JC Penney, and his hair was beautifully matted in place...and it's stayed so to this day. Even though his eye decals are a little lifted and greasy, he remains one of my favorites and looks almost as dashing as the day I found him.

    Good luck if you're still hunting for a good one...they must be rare if one wasn't even available for the photo shoot!


    1. Hi David
      Thanks for your kind message. My apologies for the late reply. I still don't have the fabric head Count, maybe someday? I'm also still missing the Anything Muppet to have a complete set of the puppets released in North America. Haven't ventured into collecting the Vicma puppets yet but they are very cool. I'm glad to hear that your fabric head Count is in such amazing condition. All the best to you!

  17. im new in the muppet collecting club and,,, wow!!! this blog fills me with such joy i can't explain.. i think it's the fact this is all real stuff that people didn't know would become collector's items and they just look so cool,, so thanks for putting this out for all the muppet collectors could see!

    1. Hi Seth, sorry for the delay in replying, many thanks for your kind words, I sincerely appreciate this! I'm glad that you enjoyed looking through my blog. If you have any more questions or comments I'll try to answer them sooner in the future.

  18. Hey, I think there might be another varient to the Fraggle Rock Happy Meal Toys - there seems to be a rare variant of the Wembley/Boober car where Boober is facing forwards instead of backwards. https://omochacrush.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/fr3.jpg

    1. Hi Dane, thank you for the info. I tried to check the image but didn't have any luck. In any case, it's certainly possible that it's a variation, though perhaps it's a production error or someone was just really determined to turn Wembley the other way? It's definitely a mystery! In any case it would be cool to have one of those in the collection! All the best!

  19. The album susan sings songs from sesame street is by summit records australia. I have both that and disneys songs from sesame street 2.

    1. Hi Crazy Cat Lady, thank you for the info! I'll add it to the record page. You're lucky to have those records! BTW I like cats too! All the best!

  20. I have discovered that the Unknown Figure of Oscar & Slimey in the 3- Wheeled Trash Can is indeed a Fisher-Price piece. It as in the F-P 123 Neighborhood Playset dated 1998. Will send you some pics.
