Last updated: Aug 14, 2024
Palisades Muppets Action Figures
In 2002 Palisades Toys released their first four action figures in their extensive series based on the Muppets. These were marketed in celebration of the 25th anniversary of The Muppet Show. A majority of the figures were based on the Muppet Show, however the collection also included characters from the Muppets Tonight TV show as well as the film Muppet Treasure Island.
Each figure came packed with loads of accessories and cost a hefty $25 each on average, which was a lot of money at the time for an action figure, and why I didn't even try to collect them all. Originally, I only bought series one which included Miss Piggy, Kermit (shown above), Dr. Teeth and Bunsen Honeydew (shown below). I only have three others, Muppet Newsman, Clifford and Kermit as Captain Smollet from Muppet Treasure Island (shown below).
Series 1, released in 2002
Kermit the Frog (shown below)
Miss Piggy (shown below)
Dr. Teeth (shown below)
Bunsen Honeydew (shown below)
Beaker with Muppet Labs playset
Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog action figures
These are very well made action figures with excellent detail, made to look like the actual puppets rather than a cartoon version of them as is so often the case with Muppet toys. Large size figures were also made for selected characters (Gonzo, Camilla the Chicken, Animal and Beaker). Oddly enough, Kermit was never made as a large size action figure which is a shame. That would have been awesome!
The series was bombarded with special edition figures that were available at selected toy stores or toy conventions. Some collectors like the challenge of finding such figures, but I find this rather frustrating as it makes it impossible to collect the entire series unless you are willing to pay crazy amounts of money for exclusive figures.
Dr. Teeth and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew action figures
Unfortunately, the Palisades Toys company shied away from making figures of the Muppet monsters, such as Gorgon Heap, Beautiful Day Monster, Screaming Thing, Droop, Koozebanian Phoob, Luncheon Counter Monster, Mean Mama, and Behemoth. Due to his size, Sweetums was made at the very end of the series as a limited edition figure which made him very hard to find, yet he should have been made earlier on as part of series two or three considering that he's one of the main supporting characters. Ideally, other larger sized Muppets should have followed, such as Thog, Timmy Monster, Doglion, Splurge, and the Mutations Dancers.
Several classic Muppet characters which would have been awesome as action figures were also left out of the collection, such as the Zucchini Brothers, Mildred Huxtetter, George the Janitor, the Muppet King, Taminella Grinderfall, Sopwith Camel, Mahna Mahna and the Snowths, and Bobby Benson and his Baby Band. Personally I would have loved a figure of Banana Nose Maldonado! LOL
I also find the random, hap-hazard way that the characters were released hurt the series. For example, a figure of Fozzie in a police outfit from "Bear on Patrol" was made while one of Link wasn't. Additionally, Sam the Eagle was released in his Muppet Treasure Island outfit as Samuel Arrow before they released a regular figure of him or any other Treasure Island figures. Kermit as Captain Smollet was the only other character from the film that was made available as a standard release. A boxed set of Gonzo as a cabin boy with Rizzo was a limited edition release that was harder to find. No other Muppet Treasure Island characters were made which left the series incomplete. A variation of Sam in his Treasure Island outfit was issued as the Ghost of Samuel Arrow which was basically the same figure painted differently.
I think it would have been far more effective and enticing to collectors to have a complete Muppet Treasure Island series of figures released together at the same time. For example Sam, Kermit, Miss Piggy and Fozzie would have been an amazing first series, followed by Gonzo, Rizzo, Spa'am, and Mad Monty, followed by Bunsen, Beaker, Clueless Morgon, and a two pack of the Vacation Rats.
In addition, none of the Muppets from The Jim Henson Hour were included (Clifford was marketed as part of the Muppets Tonight series) yet a figure of Digit with Waldo as a pack in figure would have been awesome, or a three pack of the Extremes, or the Lion with Bean Bunny. This would have also opened the door to figures from The Storyteller TV series which I would have died for!!! I just love the devil puppets from "The Soldier and Death" episode! In any case, Palisades Toys made quite a remarkable collection of Muppet action figures, but you'll need a lot of moo-lah to collect them with as they certainly aren't cheap!
Series 2, released in 2002
Fozzie Bear
The Great Gonzo
Floyd Pepper
Crazy Harry
Animal with drum set and Electric Mayhem stage
Series 3, released in 2003
Rowlf the Dog in tuxedo
Lew Zealand
Sweetish Chef with Kitchen playset
Mega Muppet Beaker (large sized figure)
Series 4, released in 2003
Captain Link Hogthrob
Dr. Julius Strangepork
Sam the Eagle as Sam Arrow from Muppet Treasure Island
Rizzo the Rat
Mega Muppet Animal (large sized figure)
Series 5, released in 2003
Muppet Newsman (shown below)
Gonzo in purple suit with Camilla the Chicken
Pepe the King Prawn
The Muppet Newsman from series 5, and Clifford from series 6
Back of the packages
Muppet Newsman and Clifford out of the package
Series 6, released in 2003
Clifford (shown above)
Fozzie in policeman outfit from "Bear on Patrol"
Miss Piggy with Pigs in Space playset
Series 7, released in 2004
Kermit as Captain Smollet from Muppet Treasure Island with Polly Lobster
Frog Scout Robin
Johnny Fiama
Kermit as Abraham Smollet with Polly Lobster from 2004. Unfortunately Polly has a broken hand. Aside from that these are very well made figures. Kermit's hat stays on his head with magnets that have been imbedded inside the toy. This figure is from Series 7. Below is the back of the packaging showing the rest of series 7 and the soon to be available series 8.

Above series 7 as seen on the back of the Kermit/Abraham Smollet figure packaging.
Series 8, released in 2004
Scooter dressed as an usher
Sam the Eagle (as himself)
Marvin Suggs
Dr. Phil Van Neuter
Mega Muppets Gonzo (large size figure)
Mega Muppet Camilla the Chicken (large sized figure)
Above is series 8 of the Palisades Muppet action figures as shown on the back of the Kermit/Abraham Smollet figure package.
I probably shouldn't say this, but I find it odd that the character Dr. Phil Van Neuter was included in this series. As such, it didn't surprised me that the series went out of production not long afterward. I have a great deal of respect for Brian Henson, who performed the character and whom I've never met. He is of course a very talented puppeteer which is why I find it odd that he's the performer behind this character. To be blunt, Dr. Phil Van Neuter is quite awful all around and really doesn't belong with the Muppets. Hmmm wait, that didn't actually cover it...I should say, awful, awful, awful, awful! There, that's more like it.
It's not so much the performance of the character, but rather the concept and design. Those rubber gloves are creepy, not "Muppet" funny. The same goes for the eyes/goggles. His name also isn't Muppet humour. I just don't think that "neuter" is a funny word! The whole vibe for this character just does not match with the Muppets. In fact, this character is so wrong for the Muppets that it made me wonder what was going on with the creative team behind the Muppets. How could such a bad character get past all the writers and pre-production development to see screen time not just on one occasion, but several?
During the hay day of the Muppet Show the character Fleet Scribbler turned out to be a major embarrassment for the Muppets creative team. I actually liked Fleet Scribbler, and even if his character was a problem at least the design of the puppet wasn't. He at least looked like he belonged on the Muppet Show and had a Muppety name. An action figure of Fleet Scribbler would have been cool. In regards to Dr. Van Neuter, maybe if there was a different production aimed at an older audience with a new cast of characters, rather than the old familiar Muppet gang, the character would have fit in better and the puppet would have been fine. But not with the Muppets.
In my books, Dr. Phil Van Neuter's presence in the Muppet universe is the Muppet version of the Star Wars prequels. He's the Jar Jar Binks of the Muppet gang. Anyways, I'll be quite embarrassed if ever I meet Brian Henson and he happened to have read or gotten word of this little critique, but I have to be honest and its just how I feel about that character. I'm just thankful Dr. Van Neuter is no longer used in Muppet projects anymore, and I pray that the Muppet gods keep it that way, please! Of course, I still worship Brian Henson's performance as Dog from the Storyteller. That was an awesome TV series! I also love Hoggle from Labyrinth, which is one of my all-time favourite films.
Series 9, released in 2004
Fozzie wearing a tuxedo with ventriloquist dummy
Sweetish Chef
Rowlf (no outfit) with Muppet Show Theatre Backstage playset
Sweetums (12 inch figure)
Additional figures
Many exclusive figures were made for special releases at Comicon shows and other special events, these are just a few of them:
Kermit wearing a tuxedo, released in 2002
Kermit, Holiday version, released in 2002
Kermit as reporter with Koozebane Alien, released in 2003
Kermit and Miss Piggy "Wedding of the Century" boxed set, limited edition give away, 2003
Kermit as Indiana Jones / Adventure Kermit, released in 2004
Kermit as Frog Scout Leader with Frog Scout, released in 2005
Kermit with Robin, Rainbow Connection limited boxed set, released in 2005
Jim Henson Muppet, released in 2004
Uncle Deadly, released in 2005
This issue of Tomart's Action Figure Digest magazine (No. 128, Dec 2004) has a six-page section listing all of the Muppet Palisades action figures that were available at the time including exclusive limited edition figures.
In the early 2000's when the Palisades Muppet action figures were being on the market Fun 4 All produced a set of four Muppets 3D Animator Action Puppets (also known as push puppets) that were sculpted in a style similar to the popular action figure series. Included in the set was Kermit, Animal, (shown here) Beaker, and Pépe (seen below on the back of the box).
Yes, I have unopened boxes of tissue in my Muppet collection! Around the early 2000's Scotties offered a series of tissue boxes as another tie in with the 25th anniversary of the Muppet Show. Two boxes were made for the standard size box of tissues, a red box and a blue box, as well as at least one larger sized box. Boxes have cut out finger puppet figures on the bottom! Above is the front of the red box, below is the back view of the same box.
The ends of the red boxes have different pictures showing Pigs in Space at one end, and Waldorf and Statler on the other end.
Here are the finger puppets on the bottom of the box.
Here is the blue box which features the Electric Mayhem band. Below is the opposite side of the same box.
The ends of the blue box have different pictures showing Animal on the drums at one end and the entire band on the other end.
Here are the finger puppets on the bottom of the blue box.
This is the larger sized blue box which is similar in design to the regular sized blue box. As you can see, the top of the large blue box is the same as the regular sized one and, oh my gosh, wouldn't you know it, I actually used the tissue!!! Yayyy!!! There's hope for me!!! :) But seriously, let's stay focused on the Scotties collectable Muppet tissue boxes! This is serious, important stuff here!!! For I must assume that there is also a large red tissue box, however back when they were in stores I didn't manage to find one, as such my collection of Scotties Muppet tissue boxes is, dare I say it, incomplete! My aching heart! Below is the opposite side to this same large blue box.
The pictures on the ends of the larger blue boxes are the same as the regular boxes but the images are cropped differently.
The bottom of the large blue box is the same as the regular sized blue box.
This is a small tin of mints that was sold in 2002 through selected toy stores and novelty shops.
In 2002 the Muppets were featured on several Nascar racing cars, which is really awesome! This was part of a trend at the time to have notable characters depicted on race cars, which if I'm not mistaken began with Warner's Looney Tunes characters. As Muppets were involved, naturally, a series of similarly detailed toy cars were made in several different sizes (also called scale or ratio in car collecting circles) and packaging variations. On the collecting side of things, I found this whole Muppet-Nascar thing to be quite confusing as there were so many different drivers, character licences, and companies involved, that I couldn't keep track of what's what. That on top of the fact that I'm not into car racing to begin with made me stay away from this toy car series. I only have this one car in my collection as an example. Other Muppets to appear on cars include Kermit and Miss Piggy (together), Kermit (by himself), Fozzie, Gonzo, Animal, Rowlf, Pepe the King Prawn, and the Swedish Chef.
So, if I have figured this all out correctly, the manufacturer of these toys is Action Performance Companies, and the logos "Double Platinum" and "Winner's Circle" are their toy car brand names. They also use the Nascar logo because the toys are based on Nascar racing, and the Muppets are licenced as well. But we're not done yet! Each car has a specific driver's name on it, and the type of car, so in this case the Dodge logo is also licenced. Additionally, this is the 1:43 diecast scale version of the car, as both smaller and larger sizes were also available. Forget about your wheels, this is all enough to make your head spin!
Here is a closer look at the Bunsen and Beaker car, which is a Dodge that was driven by Jeremy Mayfield.
This is the back of the card. See that big white section with all the fine print. That's all the copyright and licence info that needed to be listed for legal reasons! I'm not making that up. Click on the picture to get a bigger view.
This TV Guide from November 23, 2002 (with Sean Hayes on the cover) includes an article about the Muppets new Christmas TV special "A Very Merry Muppet Christmas" starring Whoopi Goldberg. Below is a photo of the article, on pages16 and 17.
In 2003 Starbucks coffee shop sold 8 plush finger puppets of the Muppets. I'm missing Kermit and Beaker from this series. Shown above are Fozzie Bear, Miss Piggy, Swedish Chef, Animal, Rowlf the Dog, and Gonzo. To me the head on the Animal finger puppet looks pathetic, but the others are well done considering the small scale. The puppets were sold on a candy cane stick, which I've wrapped baggies around to keep them from sticking to other things. I had to remove the candy sticks from the Chef and Gonzo because they melted!
These small Muppets puzzles were sold in dollar stores. They were made by Vista Puzzle/LeapYear Publishing in 2003.
In 2003 and 2004 Sababa Toys produced a series of large and small Muppet Show plush toys. The collection included many characters who had never been made as plush toys before. The large series included Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Animal, and for the first time as plush toys in North America we saw Bunsen, Beaker, Janice, Swedish Chef, and Rizzo. (A foam bendy doll and vinyl poseable doll of the Sweetish Chef has been made before this, but not a plush doll.) Above are Fozzie and Beaker from the large plush series. Unfortunately I didn't end up getting any of the others in the large set even though they are all very well made. Rizzo and the Sweetish Chef are especially nice. Unfortunately Rowlf and Scooter were not made for this set which, for me, makes it feel incomplete.
This is the small 8" Beanie set by Sababa Toys from 2004. There are 8 characters and I have them all (because I am obsessed). :) Shown above are Fozzie, Kermit, Miss Piggy and Gonzo. The rest of the set shown below includes Swedish Chef, Bunsen, Beaker and Animal. Again, Scooter was not made for this set, and Rizzo is also missing even though he was included in the larger series. Rowlf and Janice were included with the carded sets shown below.
Sababa Toys made the very first plush toys of the Electric Mayhem Band in 2003. They were made as a continuation of the 8" beanie series. These are awesome with excellent detail in the costumes. I love these!!!
The back of the Electric Mayhem package advertises that sets based on Pigs in Space and Veterinarian's Hospital are "coming soon" but unfortunately the Pigs in Space set was never produced.
Here is the Veterinarian's Hospital set by Sababa Toys. This set is pretty cool. Janice is in the same spot as she was for the Electric Mayhem set. Rowlf as Dr. Bob, Camilla the Chicken and Nurse Piggy complete the set. This is the first plush toy of Camilla!
The back of the Veterinarian's Hospital package shows the electric Mayhem set as "Now available" with the unproduced Pigs in Space set as "coming soon".
This is the Animal and Fozzie two-pack from the "Muppet Mayhem" collection of plush toys by Sababa Toys in 2003. These are a bit taller than the 8" beanies. Fozzie is about 10 or 11 inches tall. I have no idea why Animal is dressed like that. The head on Animal is also very poorly done. I bought this set for Fozzie, which I think is one of the best plush Fozzie Bear toys ever made. His head is shaped very well and his mouth opens. I like his outfit too. The colour of the fur is also a better match. This plush Fozzie is certainly much better than Sababa's 8" beanie of Fozzie. I can't help but wonder if this one would have sold better on its own without Animal?
Here is the back view of the Animal and Fozzie set. Two other sets were available: Kermit and Miss Piggy, and Staler and Waldorf. I did see both of these sets in the store as well, so they are available to Muppet collectors.
Here is one of the ugliest Kermit the Frog plush toy ever made (yes, there actually is one that is uglier!). This large Santa Kermit is by Sababa Toys in 2003 and is bendable, with wire in the arms and legs. I bought this on sale after Christmas from a discount table where there were several others. What were they thinking??? He looks like he's frozen from being out in the cold too long. If this were a normal green Kermit it would have been awesome. Its too bad as it is actually very well made. I've also seen a white Mickey Mouse Santa plush toy around 2003 as well, so it seems that making the character in white was a trend at the time.
Shown above is a small box of plastic Muppet Mates Cutlery that was produced circa 2005. There's no copyright date on the box or on the plastic cutlery, but the "Muppets" logo on the box is the same one that was used for the above series of Sababa plush toys from 2003, and the small puzzles by Leap Year Publishing (shown above) that are also from 2003.
Here are each of the utensils: Fozzie is the fork, Kermit is the Spoon, and Gonzo is the knife. Below is a closer look at each of the characters.
What I found especially interesting about the packaging for this Muppet Cutlery is that "Jim Henson's" is included above the Muppet logo even though the Disney logo is also used. Later, from around 2010 and onward, Disney produced Muppet memorabilia will omit Jim Henson's name from the Muppet logo to market the Muppets under the Disney name alone.
Here are some items from the mid 2000's. On the left is a set of Muppets stickers from 2005 made by American Greetings, and on the right is a set of pins made by Carlton Cards.
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